Friday 22 February 2013

Hair growth progress...

Hey there guys! 

I know I said I would post a photo of my hair growth last week but life got the better of me. I had three birthdays in the last week! Mums, nephews and little yeah life was a little hectic! Not been eating too great either...eep.

Anyway! Here is a photo of my first hair growth :) I made a hair growth shirt so "1" is my actual starting length (although I got my hair cut two weeks ago I refuse to believe it has grown an inch since...).

So I begin at armpit length (APL) and my aim is to get to waist length by the end of 2013 or at least the beginning of 2014. 

My plan for this blog is to review all different hair growth products including biotin pills. I may also have a go at some youtube videos to give a full on review although I am very scared to upload a speaking version of myself incase someone I know finds it...brass neck! 

I will also be uploading these hair growth pictures with my hair growth top every month! 

My next blog will be a review on Lee Stafford Hair growth treatment so until then...

Liza xxx

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