Monday 18 March 2013

100 days of...

Hey there my lovelies :)

I'm sorry if the grammar and spelling within this blog is horrendous, I am writing from my iPhone today as I am lazy.

So basically I am starting my own little challenge: "100 days of biotin and folic acid" to see how these vitamins affect my hair growth, skin and nails. As you can see from the picture I am also taking multi vitamin for general health!

I will do a blog possibly every month or I will do it half way through my challenge! Let me know what YOU want to read!

I am taking:

Holland and Barretts biotin: 300ug (£4.60)

Boots folic acid: 400ug (£1.99)

Boots multivitamin: biotin - 50ug. Folic acid - 200ug (79p)

Have an awesome day my sweety pies :)

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