Tuesday 3 September 2013

Lee Stafford and No heat challenge results!

So my lovlies...it has almost been 30 days since I used a pair of straighteners on my lovely locks (only two days short). 

So I straightened my hair last night and I am AMAZED at the results. Besides from the length, which I will show you below, my hair is just so much more healthier. Its shiny and easy to deal with. I am beginnings to love my natural curl and think it will look amazing when I have longer hair. 

So here are the length results...

Sorry about the quality of my photo I am a little ill and couldn't really be bothered editing it to a T. BUT ONE WHOLE INCH....what the? I will definitely be using my straighteners much much less! 
The past week was really hard to not grab the straighteners and get my straight hair back! And when I did straighten my hair it felt so limp and lifeless, something I have never noticed before.

So whats in store for the next month with my hair?

I am STILL using my Lee Stafford Growth Leave In Treatment every-time I wash my hair, twice weekly, for only 5 minutes. This treatment really makes my hair so silky and soft. Not sure if it takes part in the growth of my hair but I still love the product.

Not using straighteners all the time, only on special occasions or when I feel I need to feel extra glam.

Still taking my biotin and vitamin D! 

Please comment if you like or dislike anything I have said in this post, I would LOOOOOVE to hear your opinions! And maybe some hair growing tips if you have any.

Have a lovely day my lovelies!

Liza x

Monday 12 August 2013

Hair growth progress!

Hey my lovlies! 

Not been on here for a long while...5 months actually. I kind of lost hope with my whole hair growth regime, I was disheartened when taking photos in april, may and june and my hair had only grown the two inches. I just thought 'what the hell?'

DONT STOP READING... I did not cut my hair. Anyway live got the better of me, I was still using the Lee Stafford shampoo and Mane 'n' tail conditioner (which I feel does nothing for my hair). It was my boyfriends graduation in June then I went to Florida for three weeks - did not take any of my shampoo or conditioner and just used my boyfriends sisters hair products (she lives in America). 

While I was away my hair grew ONE WHOLE INCE. I literally took a photo of my growth at the end of june and it was STILL "two inches" so I was like "whatever you mother f*****"

The photo below shows a progress photo from March 2013 I believe through August 2013. So that is around 3 inches in 6 months which is slooooow progress but still the average hair growth rate!

What did I do differently?

So as you can see my hair is now all black with no dip dye. It is a lot thicker and healthier than in march and I believe that is key in hair growth. Get your hair healthy first then concentrate on the growth. 

While in Florida my hair was up constantly as it was far too hot to wear it down, I kept to washing my hair twice a week and I was not stressing about my hair growing! I believe all these things mixed together made for a perfect growing place for my locks. 

Whats next?

I am re-starting my biotin and using only a blow dryer on my hair for four weeks (will still be straightening my bangs). So for the next four weeks my hair will most likely be in a bun when I am at work or out and about. I straighten my hair EVERY day and I am beginning to feel this is holding my growth back. 

I am planning on blogging at least monthly, however, be sure to know I will be blogging for sure whenever I see progress! Wish me luck on my no straightening challenge...

Monday 18 March 2013

100 days of...

Hey there my lovelies :)

I'm sorry if the grammar and spelling within this blog is horrendous, I am writing from my iPhone today as I am lazy.

So basically I am starting my own little challenge: "100 days of biotin and folic acid" to see how these vitamins affect my hair growth, skin and nails. As you can see from the picture I am also taking multi vitamin for general health!

I will do a blog possibly every month or I will do it half way through my challenge! Let me know what YOU want to read!

I am taking:

Holland and Barretts biotin: 300ug (£4.60)

Boots folic acid: 400ug (£1.99)

Boots multivitamin: biotin - 50ug. Folic acid - 200ug (79p)

Have an awesome day my sweety pies :)

Thursday 14 March 2013

Hair Growth Progress..#1

Hey my lovelys! So this is my first progress photo :)

As you can see below my hair has grown one inch!! ONE WHOLE INCH...And its only been three weeks....so exited to see my progress in the next 5 months!

I am so glad I have taken these photos as I can't see the difference in my hair! Probably because I live with it everyday :P

Sorry for the Bad quality photo...was busy all day and this has been my only chance to write this for you guys :)

Thank you Lee Stafford :D<3

Monday 4 March 2013

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment


As promised I am doing a Lee Stafford hair growth treatment review.
I have been using these products since December but got 2 inches cut off my hair at the beginning of February. 

I am going to begin with the Lee Stafford shampoo and conditioner.

The Product

I bought the above bottles at the beginning of February, the shampoo was my second bottle since December which I feel is good value for money at £6.99 each. The Shampoo and Conditioner promise the following: "A protein based complex to fertilise your follicles, creating a healthy environment on the scalp to help hair grow faster and reach its maximum potential length". So pretty much it promises to create a healthy environment for your hair to grow at a better rate! 

What I think about these products

The Shampoo: 

As I said above I have been using the shampoo since December 2012 and as soon as I began using this product I seen a dramatic change in my hair. It felt fuller, healthier and even though my hair was black I was suffering breakage and when I began using this product that stopped - get in! This product smells amazing, like you have spent a day in the hairdressers getting pampered. I began only using the shampoo just as I graduated from college. Before and after photo: 

Left: November 26th 2012 Right: January 28th 2013. 

My hair on the left was just below collar bone length and after using the shampoo for two months it shot down to boob length! Some people say the shampoo is not worth the money - I have adequate proof to disagree. 

Leave in Treatment

I only began using the leave in treatment at the beginning of February so I do not feel I can give a "growth review" on this product but this product certainly adds shine and softness to my hair.
This product exclaims "if the earths not nourished you'll never grow beautiful flowers". The growth treatment advices you to use in between the shampoo and conditioner - which I do - use an egg shaped amount (WHAT?) and to leave in for a minimum of 5 minutes. 

A lot of reviews have commented to the vagueness of the next comment: "Keep using this treatment every wash until the condition improves - then use once a week" I actually LOVE this comment! Lee is pretty much saying, Use three times in one week then once every other week if you want or every wash for 20 weeks if thats what you need! He is not forcing the product down your throat which a lot of products do. I have been using this every wash for the past four weeks and I am now on my second tub - I have seen improvements in my hair but I just LOVE this product so much. 

 As I have my hair dip dyed it can be rather dry at the ends but this product locks in the moisture. My best friend, Katie, who also has dip dye was complimenting me on my hair when she remarked "omg how can your ends be so soft?!" I had already told her how much I loved the Lee Stafford growth shampoo and told her all about the leave in treatment! 

How I use these products: 


I apply the shampoo generously to the roots of my hair and take it half way down my hair - not touching my bleached ends. I massage the shampoo into my roots - many people say they do not put the shampoo on their roots but it is a growth shampoo...your hair grows from the roots.
I also do not apply shampoo to my ends as I feel shampoo dries my ends out. 


I apply the conditioner generously from the roots to my ends, ensuring I massage the product into my roots. I leave for a few minutes and wash out. 

Leave in Conditioner

The leave in conditioner says "leave in for 5 minutes" I have never left it in for 5 minutes. The least amount of time I have ever left this product in is 2 hours. I Make sure I go home, have a shower and have a free night - twice a week- to leave the conditioner in 2-5 hours. You can leave it in longer or all night if you wish! I have no idea what affect this will have, if any, but I will let you all know the outcome!

So all in all my lovely lock lovers I would definitely recommend all of the above products - although I am not sure if I need the normal conditioner and may swap this for one of Lee's other products. 

Friday 22 February 2013

Hair growth progress...

Hey there guys! 

I know I said I would post a photo of my hair growth last week but life got the better of me. I had three birthdays in the last week! Mums, nephews and little brothers...so yeah life was a little hectic! Not been eating too great either...eep.

Anyway! Here is a photo of my first hair growth :) I made a hair growth shirt so "1" is my actual starting length (although I got my hair cut two weeks ago I refuse to believe it has grown an inch since...).

So I begin at armpit length (APL) and my aim is to get to waist length by the end of 2013 or at least the beginning of 2014. 

My plan for this blog is to review all different hair growth products including biotin pills. I may also have a go at some youtube videos to give a full on review although I am very scared to upload a speaking version of myself incase someone I know finds it...brass neck! 

I will also be uploading these hair growth pictures with my hair growth top every month! 

My next blog will be a review on Lee Stafford Hair growth treatment so until then...

Liza xxx

Monday 18 February 2013

Hairy History...

Hi everyone! 

So I am using this blog to document my hair growth journey...and I thought what better way to start than a history of my lovely locks. 

I am currently 22 and will show a history from ages 17 through 22. Anyway I hope anyone who reads this will enjoy it and follow my progress which I will begin posting tomorrow!

So this is me being 17 no cares and loads of bleach. At this age my hair was VERY dry and broken and obviously never grew. However, that did not matter so much to me at this age as I liked wearing it up and loved being a Blondie.

Here I am almost 18 and I had dyed my hair a dark brown colour but as you can see the bleach decided to make a come back. Length was still very little and this was annoying me at this point.

Moved to Glasgow for university in August of 2008 and was 18 (notice I was drinking coke here though?). Dyed my hair brown and got a short cut. Loved this look although always desired long hair.

Beginning of 2009 growing out my short cut! Still a mousey brown.

May 2009 and my hair had reached that awkward stage of growing out (URGH) but still, at least I had grasped the idea of being at University (vodka orange in hand).

July of 2009 and finally getting some growth! Was getting bored so put a little blonde back in the mix. Hair was healthy here - loved it.

FAST FORWARD May 2010 - lots of length and very blonde. My hair was so damaged here it was awful.

Summer of 2010 cut off all my length - all the damage - and got a cute bob. I loved this hair style as it meant I could keep my blonde without all the damaged hair...or so I thought.

May 2011 - Gained a few pounds and trying to grow my hair. My hair obviously suffering from bleach damage and looking horrible. Felt so low at this point.

July 2011 - Pounds still piling on and hair has been dyed black. Love my hair this colour but the length had been taken back again!

New Year 2012 - Hair had been dyed a chocolate brown - more bleach meant no growth! Consciously began growing my hair at this point.

Summer 2012 - Hair black again and finally getting some growth in! YEY

January 2013 - Hair is black with dip dye. Hair at the ends becomes weak due to bleach which means another cut...I think I see a pattern here? DONT BLEACH?

This is my hair now (February 2013) not a lot off, maybe 3 inches at the most! So lets get my length back for Summer 2013!!

Hope you all enjoyed this, will be uploading a back picture of my hair to show you all the true length and also to give me a true vision of how my hair growth is going.

Laters :)